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RIP Vol. 32



In RIP Volume 32 we raise the bar (literally), pump you up (with terrific tunes) and inspire you to be your best! Together, we’ll power through more than 800 repetitions, giving you plenty of opportunity to build strength and endurance with every day functionality. Fresh movements such as Split Squats, Plyometric training, Walking Push Ups, Tricep Dips and the Kneeling Y are just a few of the highlights you’ll experience. Grab a friend, raise your bars and get stronger together.

RIP EDUCATION: Front V & Lateral Fly Execution

Instant Online Access Includes: Music Download, Streaming Video, Choreography Booklet Download

Group Rx Benefits:

The Group Rx programs were created by a collection of group fitness and medical experts responsible for many of the most-respected, pre-choreographed routines in the world. Each release involves hundreds of hours of music selection, program design, safety evaluation, and field-testing.

Easy to Teach. Each release comes complete with all the tools you need to teach a successful class: a CD of the music, a DVD of the pre-choreographed program, and a choreography booklet outlining the routine.

Use the complete workout as is. Or mix and match tracks to give the routine your own personal stamp. It's all you with a little help from us.

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